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Inulin is a dietary fibre that may benefit gut health. Naturally, prebiotics have several obvious benefits to your digestion, but they can also have positive effects all around the body. We’re still learning about the extent to which gut bacteria affects the rest of the body, and we’re still being surprised about what we’re discovering. One such surprising discovery is how your gut microbiota can influence your sleep.
mg glycinate Quality

Magnesium Glycinate

Magnesium glycinate is a supplement that combines the mineral magnesium with glycinate, an amino acid. This combination helps your body absorb the magnesium without some of the negative side effects of other supplement forms. There are several types of magnesium at Sweet Dreamz we use magnesium glycinate as its used for achieving better sleep studies have shown.
ksm Quality

KSM Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha has long been touted as the holy grail when it comes to improving sleep, managing stress and reducing anxiety. Ashwagandha provides a range of sleep benefits and stress benefits, and – when taken consistently – can help you to mitigate anxiety and feel more balanced as you go about your daily life. That’s why we have included it in our formula.
roots Quality

Valerian Root

Valerian is an herb that’s commonly used as an ingredient in sleep aid supplements as a result of its calming properties. This herb is often referred to as “nature’s Valium,” and people have used it since the Middle Ages to treat sleep disorders such as insomnia. What’s more, valerian may help you relax and may have benefits for people who experience anxiety and other symptoms.
5htp Quality


5 HTP has effects on sleep, mood and other body functions that impact our health and ability to feel good during the day and sleep sound at night.
zinc Quality

Zinc Aspertate

Consumption of Zinc helps to have less wake ups in the night. Zinc is often paired with magnesium, and for good reason! These two-work excellent together to relax your muscles and improve your recovery from your daily exercise and output.
honh2oh Quality


Tyrosine is a type of amino acid, which are the building blocks of protein. The body makes tyrosine from another amino acid called phenylalanine. By itself this supplement can improve mental performance but mixed with other ingredients we have it can give you a deep sleep waking up refreshed.
theanine Quality

L: Theanine

An amino acid that is found in tea leaves, it promotes relaxation and facilitates sleep by contributing to several changes in the brain. With its ability to increase relaxation and lower stress, L-theanine can help in sleep in several ways. L-theanine may help people fall asleep more quickly and easily at bedtime, thanks to the relaxation boost it delivers. Research also shows L-theanine can improve the quality of sleep—not by acting as a sedative, but by lowering anxiety and promoting relaxation.
greenplant Quality

Lemon Balm

Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep? Lemon balm also helps with insomnia and other sleep- related issues. One study looked at perimenopausal women who were struggling with disrupted sleep and found a significant difference with reduced levels of sleep disorders amongst the experimental group when compared to the placebo. Another study looked at people with mild to moderate anxiety and sleep disturbances and found that botanical herbs like lemon balm are a great alternative to prescription sleep aids for people who struggle with anxiety- related insomnia
ltrypto Quality

L Tryptophan

Tryptophan is an essential ammino acid that has several important purposes and benefits. And among its many health benefits are healthier and better-quality sleep and increased emotional well- being.
vitb6 Quality

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is involved in many functions in the body. It supports immune health, and aids in cognitive development and function. There’s evidence that B6 also aids sleep and affects our dreams. For melatonin and serotonin production… A lack of vitamin B6 has been linked to symptoms of insomnia and depression. Vitamin B6 aids in the production of the hormones serotonin and melatonin, both of which are important to sound, restful sleep, and to mood.